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Breed 2: Jacob

Project #2: "Farmproof Scarf" in Jacob

I made this scarf for myself as something that would hold up to being worn to the barn and would keep me warm in the process. I wear it every time I go out, and absolutely love it! Though the horses did take a little while to get used to it! I felted it raw to keep some lanolin and they found the slight sheepy smell VERY strange at first!

I purchased the wool at Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool as almost a pound of raw locks and felted them in the grease on a thin layer of Merino roving as backing. It was my first time felting in the grease, and I was very pleased with the results. The Jacob was fine, very soft, and had a lovely curl - characteristics it kept through the felting process. The locks have also held together well, and this piece doesn't get hair everywhere like some others do. I also simply adore the spots. I tried to group colors so that they would carry over into the final product.

Honestly, there is nothing I would change about the fleece or the final piece. Of everything I've made, I wear this one the most, and it still looks great. I call it "farmproof" because the fleece wicks the moisture from my breath without getting freezing and awful, stays clean and nice despite working in it frequently, and shakes dust off easily. I'll definitely be working with Jacob and making more of these in the future!

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